Thursday, December 31, 2009

New Year’s Resolution?

Well, it’s New Year’s Eve! You know what that means…time to make your resolutions for the New Year!

Except…I don’t do those. Maybe you don’t either. So why are you reading this?

You’re reading this because I want you to make a life-resolution: Read your Bible more! There God tells us about his Son, our Savior, he strengthens our faith, he helps us apply his will for our lives. What is keeping us from reading the Bible more?

Maybe you shouldn’t answer that. There are lots of things you might think are keeping you from reading the Bible more, but the fact is, they’re just excuses. I want you to stop making those excuses and start making plans for reading God’s Word on a regular basis.

This is the first in what will (eventually) be several posts on plans that will help you read the Bible more. I hope they help!reading-bible-blue Through the Bible in 3 years

One of the excuses often brought up to Bible reading is “I don’t have the time.” Well, you probably don’t have time to sit and read the entire Bible in one sitting. But you likely do have time to read a little bit. The WELS website has a nice plan set up to get through the entire Bible in 3 years. The site is . Every day the site is updated with the current reading to get through the Bible in 3 years. If you don’t get to it and want to see past readings, you can find them in the archive link on that same page. You can even download a file with the entire 3-year schedule of readings if you’d rather.

These are not long readings. They’re probably as long as this post. You have time to do this if you use the internet regularly. How long do you spend on other websites? You have enough time to read the Bible!

As I mentioned before, I hope this and the eventual future posts help you to read God’s Word more. If you have any other ideas or plans that work for you, feel free to leave them in the comments.  God’s blessings to you in 2010!

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